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Manuka Honey is Killing Every Kind of Bacteria Scientists Throw at it!

manuka honey benefits

We all are familiar with the health benefits of raw unprocessed honey. However, in Australia, scientists made a remarkable discovery that one particular obscure type of honey is capable of killing every kind of bacteria scientists throw at it! This type of honey can kill even the worst bacteria that people know.

The European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (June 2009 edition) holds the published findings. These findings could be really significant as we know that this is a time when many of the world’s top antibiotics are failing.

The honey in question is the manuka honey, which is produced in New Zealand. It also goes by the name of jelly bush honey.

Manuka honey has incredible health benefits and has really become so popular in the past few years that shortages have been reported and fake products have been sold. This led New Zealand’s manuka honey producers to seek trademark protection.

Manuka honey kills MRSA, other superbugs

Bees that forage on the nectar of Leptospermum Scoparium create Manuka honey. This is a New Zealand manuka bush. Also, bees forage on tea trees native to Australia and New Zealand.

According to a report by The Australian, in the studies mentioned before, Australian researchers found that the honey killed every bacteria or pathogen that it was tested on. The most exciting difference with the Manuka honey that was tested is that none of the superbugs killed by it were able to build up immunity, which is a common problem with today’s antibiotics.

Manuka honey can be used both internally and externally, to help fight against infections of the skin.

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