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Jarrah Honey Is A True Liquid Gold With Many Health Benefits!

jarrah honey

A true liquid gold, besides New Zealand’s Manuka honey, is the Jarrah honey which is found in Australia. Jarrah honey is harvested from the jarrah tree. Compared to Manuka honey, Jarrah is rarer and more costly to produce. This is because it comes from a species of tree which is endemic only to the most unspoiled parts of Western Australia.

Manuka honey is known for its antioxidant properties, but also high price. It has been known as a portion of amazing food and a health booster for many years.

However, Dr. Rob Manning, PhD, spent around thirty years studying and discovering the features of Jarrah honey. He compared its features and health benefits with the features and benefits of Manuka honey. Because of its rareness and the high demand for it, the price is quite high. Jarrah honey is sold for around $30 per kilogram.

jarrah honey

The benefits of Jarrah honey

Jarrah honey has many benefits, clinical as well as cosmetic. It can be used as a treatment for really bad infections (like MRSA), it helps with burns and scrapes if it is used as an ointment, it keeps illness away by only taking a couple of spoonfuls every day. Cosmetically, studies show that when it is applied properly and topically, its antioxidants work in support of skin-cell turnover and are also producing collagen and elastin which are great for the skin!

One of the main differences between Manuka and Jarrah honey is their taste. Unlike Manuka, Jarrah honey is sweeter. Manuka’s taste is more earthy and bitter. This is the result of the active compound it contains – methylglyoxal. On the other hand, Jarrah honey’s active compound is hydrogen peroxide which is occurring naturally. Its active compound has a higher antimicrobial profile and this does not affect the taste.

Having in mind that Jarrah honey has a strong competitor – the Manuka, it still has some obstacles to overcome. Even though it can originally be found in Western Australia, it is not completely unlikely to find it on Amazon and consume it in the USA. You should buy some for you and your family and try it. You will feel the health benefits and you will feel very good while taking it. Even though the shipping from Western Australia may last longer, this should not be the reason for you not to try it.


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