Bee Products

Bee Products You Should Use Daily!

Our lovely pollinators have so much to show us with their hard work and team work. Every one of their products is magical and so helpful for our health. This is why they are even more interesting, always full of surprises and always offering us something new to learn. It is sad to know that they are slowly disappearing due to all the pesticides that people use. Aside from them being amazingly beautiful creatures, it’s such a shame that they are disappearing because they pollinate 1 out of 3 bites of food we eat.


Even the ancient Greeks acknowledged honey’s benefits, and they called it the “nectar of the gods”. Interesting fact to know is that the bee in her lifetime will make only a quarter of a teaspoon of honey. This immediately shows us how precious honey really is. It is a kind of food that never spoils and it is antibacterial and anti fungal.

Honey can be used for strengthening your immune system, dealing with coughs, treating burns as it contains a big amount of minerals, antioxidants and enzymes. It can also serve as an extremely helpful face mask. There are about 300 different types of honey. The taste, quality and color of the honey depend on the location of the bees, the weather, the surrounding plants etc.

Bee pollen

Bees use pollen for feeding

the younger bees. Pollen is definitely among the most nourishing food in the world. It has a lot of vitamins, amino acids and proteins which are among the most necessary things for a healthy life.

If you have to buy it, our advice is to know where you are getting it from. This is because many sellers sometimes put some additional substances in it or it is full of pesticides.

Royal jelly

This product is used for producing anti-aging beauty products. Also, studies show that it improves concentration and spatial memory. Even though not highly recommended, you can additionally eat royal jelly, but be aware that it does not have the most incredible taste. This does not matter as you can add it to the smoothies you take daily or in your yogurt. Read more about what bees do with royal jelly here.


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  • You didn't mention propolis. It is a powerful antioxidant, anti imflammatory, antimicrobial substance with tons of uses.

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