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Why Bees Matter?

why bees matter

We all know that bees are very important. But, do we know why bees matter? Here are the reasons why the food systems and environment depend on the existence and well-being of our pollinators.

We should do everything in our power to help and save them, and here is why:

  • Honey is surely the oldest medicine. It will never go bad if it is stored in a sealed container.
  • Pollinators are under threat. We can reduce the risk of losing pollinators by providing sustainable and diversified agriculture as well as using ecological processes in food production.
  • Bees have a highly developed abdominal flora (like humans).
  • The Bumblebee can open the tomato flower for pollination with its vibration at the musical note C. This produces the right frequency that opens the flower.

why bees matter

  • The queen bee can live up to 2-5 years and can lay up to 1.500-2.000 eggs.
  • 30% to 40% of our food is produced because of these pollinators and the honey bees‘ pollination process.
  • Worker bees go through the same life cycle and progression of jobs (see the picture below).
  • There are between 30.000 to 60.000 bees in a beehive.
  • Depending on the condition and health of the beehive, one beehive can produce from 50 to 100 pounds of honey per year.

why bees matter

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