Beekeeping for Beginners

Reasons Why Beekeeping is Awesome And Why You Should Start Too

Beekeeping is among the most relaxing and beautiful hobbies you can have. It is becoming more and more popular as it has many positive effects and influences on our life and on our surroundings.

In addition, read and learn why beekeeping is awesome and why you should start as soon as possible.

The honey

This is among the obvious reasons why most of the people have become beekeepers. Honey is very different when we make it ourselves, instead of when why buy it from a store. Many beekeepers have witnessed this. Besides the taste, there are a lot of additional beauty and benefits from the use of honey, especially if we make it on our own.

Bees are stimulators for your flowers

When starting beekeeping be prepared for a fuller and richer garden. Bees will feed on the plants

in your garden. The flowers will also benefit from the pollination and they will grow faster and more beautiful. If you are a fan of a rich garden, with a lot of flowers, vegetables, and other plants, bees will be your new best friend.

A day spent beekeeping is like a day at the spa

Many beekeepers are afraid of the bees at the very beginning.  But, they all say, that this is lasting only for few minutes. When you hear that buzzing sound, and when you have the bees landing on your suit, you will be faced with one of the most relaxing moments in life. Bees are not at all aggressive. They will provide you with the best and most relaxing hobby that you will enjoy.

It is an investment that will repay

If you are worried about your investment being repaid, you should know that beekeeping is that kind of investment that is repayable. Besides selling honey and beeswax, you can also sell some of the bees. Bees multiply really fast so you can sell them without any problems. Even more, bees are in decline so by doing this you will spread beekeeping and will help and save the bees.

Anyone can be a beekeeper

No matter if you are younger or older, beekeeping is for everyone and you can learn it. Even more, if you are retired beekeeping can be the best hobby for you for fulfilling the new, more free schedule.

Bees provide medicine

Bees are making propolis, which is an amazing medicine. They use the propolis for gluing together everything in their hive. Besides the benefit that bees have from the propolis, the propolis provides a lot of benefits for people too. It helps heal burns, prevent cavities, fight cancer and many more benefits.

The beeswax

Not only honey and propolis are the amazing product of bees’ work. Another very useful product is beeswax. Beeswax helps with osteoarthritis, reduces cholesterol, has an anti-inflammatory effect, it’s an amazing skin treatment, helps with skin infection, etc. Also, from beeswax, you can make candles, lipsticks, soap and use it regularly in your everyday life. Take look at the many uses and benefits of beeswax here.

With beekeeping, you are helping to save the bees

Over recent years, the number of bees is in a decline because of the Colony Collapse Disorder. Basically, this is a situation where the worker bees are abandoning their hive. When worker bees leave, they are leaving behind the queen bee, young bees, and nurse bees. This is making the hive vulnerable to parasites that attack it. On the other hand, the worker bees that have left cannot survive without their queen. Thus making the Colony Collapse disorder a serious threat for bees.

You will be able to wear a cool suit

When beekeeping, you should always wear a suit. You never know when the bees might be agitated. So, for safety, the suit is always the best option. Plus, these suits are quite comfortable, and you can look as if you work in NASA, or like an astronaut :).



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