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How Much Time Does Beekeeping Take?

time beekeeping take

Many people’s question is how much time does beekeeping actually take? This article addresses this basic beginner beekeeper‘s question.

To provide an answer to this specific question, we need to take into consideration various factors. For example:

  • what is your beekeeping goal;
  • the climate in your area;
  • the free-time that you are able to dedicate;
  • what resources do you have;
  • will you work alone or will you have some help from other people as well;
  • what type of beekeeper do you aspire to be;
  • how many colonies do you plan to manage?

Types of beekeepers

When making a distinction between the types of beekeepers, we can say that a standardized rule does not exist. From one point of view, beekeepers are divided in terms of the number of colonies they own. But, the number of colonies is not as important as the importance of the purpose of the beekeeping. Of course, usually, commercial beekeepers do not have only a few colonies and hobbyist beekeepers do not have a lot of colonies. The main message is that the number of colonies is not defining the type of beekeeper.

In order the understand how much time will beekeeping take, we need to consider different types of beekeepers.


When speaking of “hobbyist” beekeeper, we talk about a person that usually keeps bees without the purpose of making a profit. Usually, hobby beekeepers keep up to 10 colonies. However, as we said, the number does not define the type of beekeeper, so if a person has 50 colonies, but keeps them without the intent to make a profit, it is still a hobbyist. These beekeepers usually sell the bee-products that they produce only to cover their costs and avoid losses.

If you aspire to keep bees as a hobby, you should know that this type takes the least time. You should expect that beekeeping as a hobby will not take as much time. For example, if you keep your bees close to the place you live, it will take you less time.

Basically, you will need around 20 minutes per colony. So, the time spent will depend on the number of colonies you have. Also, usually, you will need to inspect the bees once or twice a week.

time beekeeping take

Sideline beekeepers

After acquiring more and more colonies, you will increase the income generated from beekeeping. Thus, you will become a sideline beekeeper. Sideline beekeepers keep bees with the purpose of gaining money but still, have a full-time job. Thus, the income of beekeeping is a second source of income for them.

For sideline beekeepers, the most difficult task is time management. Unlike commercial beekeepers who can plan their schedule, sideline beekeepers have more scarce time. Because of their full-time job, they usually have the evenings and weekends only. Some of them, use their vacation days in order to work on the bees because different factors influence beekeeping. So, for example, even if you have the weekend available, the weather may be bad, or something else.

But, the most important thing is that the base for starting beekeeping usually is the love towards the bees. So, every task that is supposed to be done, you will feel it as a pleasure, and not an obligation. You should not hesitate at all because the bees are wonderful!

Good luck and happy beekeeping!


  1. Eymery

    Inspecter les abeilles une ou deux fois par semaine n’est pas raisonnable ….
    de plus cela dépend beaucoup du type de ruche utilisé comment comparer une Dadant et une kényane vitrée….

  2. Pingback:This Mushroom Protects Millions of Bees From a Deadly Virus - Blog Honey Price Book

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